


这个信息适用于遗留数据砖CLI版本0.17及以下。砖建议你使用新砖CLI的版本0.200或更高版本。看到砖CLI。找到你的版本的砖CLI,运行- v



砖库- h
用法:砖库[选项]命令(ARGS)……实用程序与库进行交互。选项:- v、——版本(版本)- h,帮助显示此消息并退出。命令:all-cluster-statuses得到所有图书馆的地位。集群状态得到所有图书馆集群的状态。选项:——cluster-id CLUSTER_ID可以在URL https:// < databricks-instance > / ? o = < 16-digit-number > # /设置/集群/ CLUSTER_ID美元/配置。安装在一个集群上安装一个图书馆。选项:——cluster-id CLUSTER_ID可以在URL https:// < databricks-instance > / ? o = < 16-digit-number > # /设置/集群/ CLUSTER_ID美元/配置。——jar文本DBFS或者S3 WASB jar。——蛋文本蛋DBFS S3或者WASB。 --whl TEXT Wheel or zipped wheelhouse on DBFS or S3 or WASB. Supported in CLI 0.8.2 and above. --maven-coordinates TEXT Maven coordinates in the form of GroupId:ArtifactId:Version (i.e.org.jsoup:jsoup:1.7.2). --maven-repo TEXT Maven repository to install the Maven package from. If omitted, both Maven Repository and Spark Packages are searched. --maven-exclusion TEXT List of dependences to exclude. For example: --maven-exclusion "slf4j:slf4j" --maven-exclusion "*:hadoop-client". --pypi-package TEXT The name of the PyPI package to install. An optional exact version specification is also supported. Examples "simplejson" and "simplejson==3.8.0". --pypi-repo TEXT The repository where the package can be found. If not specified, the default pip index is used. --cran-package TEXT The name of the CRAN package to install. --cran-repo TEXT The repository where the package can be found. If not specified, the default CRAN repo is used. list Shortcut to `all-cluster-statuses` or `cluster-status`. Options: --cluster-id CLUSTER_ID Can be found in the URL at https:///?o=<16-digit-number>#/setting/clusters/$CLUSTER_ID/configuration. uninstall Uninstall a library on a cluster. Options: --cluster-id CLUSTER_ID Can be found in the URL at https:///?o=<16-digit-number>#/setting/clusters/$CLUSTER_ID/configuration. [required] --all Uninstall all libraries. --jar TEXT JAR on DBFS or S3 or WASB. --egg TEXT Egg on DBFS or S3 or WASB. --whl TEXT Wheel or zipped wheelhouse on DBFS or S3 or WASB. Supported in CLI 0.8.2 and above. --maven-coordinates TEXT Maven coordinates in the form of GroupId:ArtifactId:Version (i.e.org.jsoup:jsoup:1.7.2). --maven-repo TEXT Maven repository to install the Maven package from. If omitted, both Maven Repository and Spark Packages are searched. --maven-exclusion TEXT List of dependences to exclude. For example: --maven-exclusion "slf4j:slf4j" --maven-exclusion "*:hadoop-client". --pypi-package TEXT The name of the PyPI package to install. An optional exact version specification is also supported. Examples "simplejson" and "simplejson==3.8.0". --pypi-repo TEXT The repository where the package can be found. If not specified, the default pip index is used. --cran-package TEXT The name of the CRAN package to install. --cran-repo TEXT The repository where the package can be found. If not specified, the default CRAN repo is used.



{“状态”:[{“cluster_id”:“1234 - 567890 lest123”,“library_statuses”:({"图书馆":{“罐子”:“dbfs: / FileStore /罐/ bbf81650_a62b_4b7a_b47e_7bdd9505792a-SparkJDBC42.jar”},“状态”:“安装”,“is_library_for_all_clusters”:真的},]},]}



集群状态——cluster-id砖库1234年567890 - lest123


砖——cluster-id库列表1234年567890 - lest123
{“cluster_id”:“1234 - 567890 lest123”,“library_statuses”:({"图书馆":{“罐子”:“dbfs: / FileStore /罐/ bbf81650_a62b_4b7a_b47e_7bdd9505792a-SparkJDBC42.jar”},“状态”:“安装”,“is_library_for_all_clusters”:假的},]}



安装——cluster-id砖库1234年567890 - lest123——jar dbfs: / test-dir / test.jar




卸载——cluster-id砖库1234年567890 - lest123——jar dbfs: / test-dir / test.jar
警告:卸载图书馆集群需要重启。砖集群——cluster-id 1234 - 567890 lest123重启